Title: Adorned
Series: Trinity of Souls #1
Author: Georgeann Swiger
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance,
Age Range: Young Adult
Publisher: Georgeann Swiger
Release Date: April 2, 2014
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When seventeen-year-old Anya finds out she’s actually an angel being trained to protect humanity, she discovers that becoming an angel has nothing to do with wings and halos. For Anya, becoming an angel has to do with death—her death.
Micah, the angelic soldier ordered to protect her until she transitions from human to angel, promises her death will be a glorious experience as long as she follows his rules. But getting Anya through this life and to the next isn’t as simple as Micah expects. His job becomes even more difficult after he unwittingly performs a miracle that exposes Anya’s hidden angelic light.
With her secret out, Hell’s legions begin targeting her. Unfortunately, Hell’s minions are the least of Micah’s worries. He’s more concerned about the forbidden human emotions he’s developed toward Anya. Even more troubling, is she seems to love him too. And giving in to those feelings, could mean dire consequences for them both.
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This book was so hard to put down. The writer keeps u interested through the whole book. Also the next book is cloven. Just as awesome as the first book. Looking forward to the next book and cannot wait till l can pre-order it!!!! Thank Georgeann for these amazing books!
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