The Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon is hosted by Rebecca @ Kindle Fever and April @ My Shelf Confessions!
The Something Wicked This Way Comes... Challenge is hosted by Rebecca @ Kindle Fever!
The Something Wicked This Way Comes... Challenge is hosted by Rebecca @ Kindle Fever!
Just briefly describe what you’d most likely grab when being notified the fire is coming towards you! Remember, you can’t pack too many things, or you won’t make it out in time! Since I can’t really decide the best choice, I’m going to pick the winner through! Now hurry, I want you all alive!
I would grab my laptop (which has my Kindle for PC on it), a copy of the Bible, a few small keepsakes, and at least one of my favorite books (please don't ask which one, it's too hard to choose! probably whichever is closest that I could just grab real quick).
I'd grab my Kindle and it's charger, my laptop if possible and some of the pictures and keepsakes I have around. It would kill me to lose all my books and movies.